When Is a Breast Reduction Medically Necessary?

Breast reduction surgery is considered medically necessary when individuals experience physical discomfort and health issues stemming from excessively large breasts. This transformative surgical procedure aims to alleviate symptoms that can significantly impact a person’s overall well-being and quality of life.

Common Reasons That Make Breast Reduction Medically Necessary

Chronic Back, Shoulder, Neck Pain

One of the primary reasons prompting breast reduction surgery is the persistent discomfort and pain individuals endure in their back, shoulders, and neck due to the weight of disproportionately large breasts. The strain placed in these areas often hampers daily activities and posture, leading to chronic pain and limitations with physical activity.

Irritated Skin Under Breasts

The skin underneath excessively large breasts is prone to irritation due to constant friction, limited airflow, and accumulation of moisture. This irritation can result in rashes, redness, and sometimes even fungal infections, causing considerable discomfort and a decreased quality of life.

Abnormal Spine Curvature and Posture

The excessive weight of oversized breasts can contribute to postural issues and spinal curvature abnormalities over time. This can affect not only physical appearance but also create health concerns related to the alignment of the spine and overall body posture.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

Good candidates for breast reduction surgery are individuals experiencing physical discomfort or health issues directly related to their breast size. They should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery and be in good overall health. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon helps determine candidacy as they assess individual health conditions and discuss expectations.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

Beyond alleviating physical discomfort, breast reduction surgery offers numerous benefits. These include improved self-confidence, increased comfort in daily activities, the ability to participate in physical exercise without hindrance, and a generally enhanced quality of life.

Is Breast Reduction Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage for breast reduction surgery varies based on individual circumstances and insurance policies. In cases where the surgery is deemed medically necessary, supported by documented health issues, insurance may cover none, part of, or all of the expenses. However, specific coverage details and pre-approval requirements should be discussed with the insurance provider.

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