Pregnancy and Breast Implants: What You Need to Know

Breast Implants and Pregnancy: Common Concerns

When it comes to the intersection of breast implants and pregnancy, there are many common concerns that women may have. The journey through pregnancy is a transformative experience for any woman, and those who have had breast augmentation may wonder how it will impact their body, their ability to breastfeed, and the health of their baby. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key aspects of pregnancy and breast implants to help you make informed decisions and address your concerns.

Can You Get Breast Implants While Pregnant?

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand that undergoing breast implant surgery during pregnancy is not recommended. Plastic surgeons generally advise against any elective surgical procedures during pregnancy due to potential risks to both the mother and the baby. Pregnancy is a time when your body undergoes significant changes, including weight gain and hormonal fluctuations, which can affect the outcome and safety of the surgery.

Pregnancy and Existing Breast Implants

If you already have breast implants and become pregnant, you may have questions about how your implants will be affected. Rest assured; pregnancy alone does not necessarily ruin breast implants. However, certain changes may occur in your breasts during and after pregnancy that can impact the appearance of your augmented breasts.

One common change is weight gain during pregnancy. As your body naturally gains weight to support the growth of your baby, your breasts may also increase in size. This can put added pressure on the skin and breast tissue, potentially affecting the shape of the breasts and the position of the implants. After giving birth and experiencing post-pregnancy weight loss, some women may notice changes in the shape and position of their breast implants.

Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

A significant concern for many women with breast implants is their ability to breastfeed. The good news is that most women with breast implants can still breastfeed successfully. Breast implants are typically placed beneath the breast tissue or the chest muscle, leaving the milk ducts and the glands responsible for milk production intact. As a result, the presence of breast implants should not inherently interfere with your ability to breastfeed.

However, it’s essential to discuss your desire to breastfeed with your plastic surgeon during your consultation. They can provide guidance on the placement of the implants and how it may affect breastfeeding. In some cases, certain incision types or implant placements may be recommended to minimize any potential interference with milk production or breastfeeding.

Consulting with a Plastic Surgeon

Before becoming pregnant or if you are already pregnant and considering breast augmentation, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast implant surgery. Plastic surgeons have the expertise to assess your unique situation, discuss your goals, and address any concerns you may have about the impact of breast implants on your pregnancy and breastfeeding journey.

During your consultation, be sure to communicate your intentions regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding. Your plastic surgeon can provide recommendations tailored to your specific needs and concerns, such as the size and shape of the implants, the type of implants used, and the timing of your surgery in relation to your pregnancy plans.